
Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Guests Comfortable at a Summer Wedding in Wisconsin

Tips from a Milwaukee, Wisconsin Wedding Planner Planning a summer wedding in Wisconsin comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to keeping your guests comfortable in the sweltering heat. With the sun shining brightly and temperatures soaring, ensuring everyone remains cool and comfortable is key to a memorable celebration. The last […]


How Do You Create a Realistic Wedding Budget? 

Spring floral centerpiece with beige linen

What Expenses Should You Prioritize? Once the excitement of your recent engagement settles, the reality of wedding planning can start to feel a tad overwhelming. Before you dive into all the fun details, we need to talk about the not-so-glamorous topic: the wedding budget. Gasp! I know, it sounds daunting. How do you decide where […]


Weather Contingency Plans: How to prepare for outdoor weddings in Wisconsin

outdoor milwaukee wedding

Outdoor weddings are like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get weather-wise–especially in the midwest. While we all dream of perfect conditions, the reality is Mother Nature doesn’t always RSVP with sunshine. It can bring unexpected guests like rain, wind, or even a heatwave. Especially here in Wisconsin, the forecast is […]


How to Do a Dip for your First Dance. Tips from a Milwaukee Wedding Planner.

Do you know how to do the dance dip? No, I’m not talking about the shoulder shimmy you do when eating chips and queso (although that does sound really yummy right now). I’m talking about the iconic pose you have seen so many couples end their first dances with! When the leader dips their follower […]


Navigating Wedding Day Emergencies Like a Pro: 5 Tips from a Milwaukee Wedding Planner

Imagine this … you have a beautiful tented reception planned after your elegant, dream church ceremony. During the ceremony, your tent is completely taken our by 60 mile per hour winds and is no longer safe or usable for your reception. This happened two hours before your reception Do you know what you would have […]


How To Choose Your Wedding Party – Tips from a Milwaukee Wedding Planner

Milwaukee Wedding Planner

A wedding party, chosen by the couple with guidance from their Milwaukee wedding planner, supports and also celebrates them on their special day. Choosing a wedding party is a big decision, and also there are many factors to consider. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right people for your wedding party: […]